Forest School

Forest School is an innovative educational approach to outdoor learning

Nicola is our Forest School leader is extremely enthusiastic and believes Forest School should be available to all children. 

Nicola holds the level 3 OCN Forest School practitioner qualification.

Forest School is a way of working with children outdoors, helping them learn, whilst developing physically, emotionally and socially and forming an appreciation and respect for the environment. The sessions are child-led and child-initiated and aim to allow the child to follow their own interests and develop at their own pace. The sessions are also linked to a number of curriculum subjects and are a valuable teaching resource.

What are the benefits to children?

Research has shown that Forest School increases children’s confidence, self-esteem, independence, self- awareness, motor and social skills.

As the weeks continue, the sessions are built on and the children learn to understand boundaries, stay safe whilst taking risks, explore at their own level and pace and use and develop creative imaginations.

What will the children be doing?

A typical 1 hour session includes:

  • Ranger directed activity
  • Free play
  • Tasty treats toasted on the fire whilst sharing and reflecting on the session

Children will be out in all weathers to enable them to experience all seasons – there is no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing!!

Sessions could include arts & crafts, Bird Identification, minibeast hunting, tool use, Scavenger hunts, Shelter Building,  making & cooking food on the fire, senses activities, tree activities…….. and so on! The list is endless to what can be achieved and learnt in the forest.

Parent & Toddler Group

Forest School runs every Wednesday during term time (9.30-10.30am & 11am-12pm) for parents and toddlers (2-4 years).

Each week costs £5.70 however we do ask that you book for a full term. One week trials are also available. 

Please head over to our booking page to reserve your place or email for further information on our sessions. 

Nurseries & Schools

Programmes can be adapted to suit any age from 3 years and run on a weekly basis from 6 weeks to a year, lasting 2 hours per session. If you have suitable outdoor grounds, Forest School can be brought to you. Costs are dependent on the number of sessions required and the number and age of the group. See our Education page for more details.

For more information & booking, get in touch today

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